Although affiliated with the National A Better Chance, Westport’s Community School Program is self-supporting and managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. We are dependent upon volunteers from the community for the success of this program.
How can you help? Fill in the form below and we will contact you!
Here are a few ways to get involved in our program-
Become a Board Member
Serve on one of our committees: Fundraising, Dream Event, Scholars Services, Special Projects
Sign up to be a host (or substitute) family. For volunteer inquiries for host families, reach out to: ABCWestportHost@gmail.com
Volunteer to drive our scholars: You can drive our scholars to and from their designated activity, i.e. sport’s practice, friend’s house, school function, medical appointment For volunteer inquiries for driving, reach out to: Directors.abcw@gmail.com
Inquiries for joining the Board and all other inquiries, reach out to: ABCWestportPres@Gmail.com